First published on Daimler‘s LinkedIn page August 24th, 2020: Link to post
Is transformation just about mindset?
You can write any new mindset on a PowerPoint slide, but if you don’t change the conditions in your organization, it will fail. If you see the same problems several times, it’s an indicator that your organizational
system has a weak spot. Focus on that first, instead on very intense mindset shift.
What does a successful transformation require?
Intervene on three dimensions!
1. Stage: Tell a story, not just numbers.
2. Structure: Make the required new behavior measurable.
3. Informality: Focus on networks and other non-written rituals, often these are powerful mechanisms.
What is the leadership role during a transformation?
Acting as role models who live and repeat honest, authentically messages. Deal with that through mindful listening and value-based dialogues.